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X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #138 - Phans’ Phavourites of 2019

Seeing out the year Phantom-style, Jermayn and Dan review everything Ghost Who Walks 2019.

Wishing you all very Happy Phantoming in the New Year!

Tale of the Tape: who released what in 2019?

3m20 - King Features 6m20 - FREW Publications 11m40 - Hermes Press 14m30 - Comics Revue 16m40 - Fantomen 20m30 - Fantomet 21m45 - Regal Publications 23m50 - Kockás 25m15 - Mythos 28m30 - Lightning Strike Comics 29m30 - Summary

Phan Phavourites

34m50 - Intro 35m40 - Best Cover (non-FREW) 40m50 - Best Cover (FREW) 49min - Best Story Writer 54m25 - Best Story Artist 59min - Overall Best Story 1h07m20 - Best Issue (non-FREW) 1hr11min - Best Issue (FREW) 1h19m30 - Best Merchandise 1hr37min - Best Addition to the Collection 1h39m30 - Best ChronicleChamber Moment

1h43m40 - Overall Reflection on 2019

Recent Phantom Happenings

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