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Irish Art School Releasing a Digital Anthology Featuring The Phantom

Guest Writer

Tallaght Academy of Sequential Art (TASQ Art) in partnership with Lightning Strike Comics have announced a new digital anthology starting 4 September 2024. The series will be called "Tasq Force".

Tasq Force will feature reprints of comic strips featuring The Phantom, Flash Gordon, Dennis The Menace, Hagar the Horrible, Mandrake the Magician, Popeye, Slylock Fox and Prince Valiant. Alongside these reprints will be featured new and exciting bonus material.

There are several packages you can buy which are detailed below:

Issue 1 Pre-orders can be made here. €2.50 ($5Au, $3US, 230INR and 30 sek/nok)

A full year's subscription can be ordered here. €30 ($50AU, $35US, 2,750INR and 360sek/nok)

Once a year, a printed annual be released and that can be pre-ordered here. €5 ($10Au, $6US, 450INR and 60 sek/nok). The Tasq Force annual will be a printed comic and will feature the story highlights of the year, plus exciting bonus content.

[Editors note: We have confirmed with Lightning Strikes that they will ship worldwide but it could cost up to €15 to ship to some overseas locations like Australia and India. An option is to organise a bulk purchase through this email address]

  • All 12 issues of the digital anthology

  • The printed Annual Book

  • An exclusive subscriber print

  • A limited edition Phantom 'Good Mark' enamel badge

  • A Phantom and Flash Gordon (as Gaeilge) Origin A3 Poster

  • Physical printed copies of the Slylock Fox comic activities posted directly to your door

  • Early preview access to upcoming projects

The cost for that is €80 ($130AU, $85US, 7,300INR and 1000sek/nok).

As what is printed in the Dublin The Echo newspaper, the stories featured in the monthly anthology will be recent newspaper stories created by Tony DePaul, Mike Manley and Jeff Weigel. The annual will feature complete stories.

For those original artwork collectors you can also find on sale, the original Illustration by Eoin McAuley featuring the King Feature Syndicate (c) characters of Popeye, The Phantom, Mandrake the Magician, Dennis The Mennace, Hagar the Horrible and Flash Gordon that will be used for the promotional poster for the anthology magazine.

This page was illustrated on A4 paper with pencils and ink overlays and the price is €250 ($415Au, $270US, 23,000INR and 3,000 sek/nok).

If anyone is interested in learning more, contributing to the Tasq Force anthology or have questions about postage to your country, please feel free to e-mail


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