All Phantom News, Reviews, Articles & Podcasts
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #149 - Lennart Moberg - Team Fantomen Creator
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #148 - March 2020 Comics & News
The Phantom Comics and the New Left: A Socialist Superhero
Introducing Coral Martinez - Fantomen Inker
Fantomen Launches Anniversary Celebrations
Best of Frew 2019 - Phan phavourites revealed!
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #138 - Phans’ Phavourites of 2019
History of the Presidents of Bangalla
Introducing Anthony Spay - New Phantom Artist
The Phantom Returns to Hungary
Fantomet with an Australian flavour
Introducing Bane Kerac: Serbian Artist
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #125 - Interview with Sal Velluto
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #124 - July 2019 Comics & News
Follow the footsteps of Fantomen 14-15/2019
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #120 - June 2019 Comics & News (Plus Bonus Chat with Shane Foley on
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #119 - Interview with Magnus Knuttsson
Norway Fantomet back in July 2019
Fantomen Kids: Kit and Heloise on Adventure! Review
Remembering Eugenio A. Benny: Phantom Artist from the 1990's