Jermayn Parker is joined by Frew Publications co owner Rene White as they go over Sydnova 2022 featuring the Frew open house, Supanova and the LFMBEC Dinner.
We go over the new and existing products Frew will be selling plus what you will see if you attend the open house event. Please note, bookings need to be made by contacting Rene at his email -
We also list all the Phantom creators who will be attending Supanova.
The new products available at the Frew open house are:
Pholio #7 including a 13 print set by Australian artists: $95Au
A Phantom World Collector Card set: No price given
Key existing products already on the Frew website apart from trading cards, back issues, signature comics plus much are:
Limited copies of the Regal TPB which is sold out on the website: $75Au
Games by Lyck Phantom card game base set and the extension packs
The Nicola Scott and maybe a reprint of the Chris Wahl door posters: $60Au each
The event is Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June - you can find out more at their website including how to buy tickets and a copy of the schedule is below. We will be giving out 20x Chronicle Chamber branded wristbands, ensure you say the keyword to get yours.
The following Phantom creators will be attending along with the location of their booth.
Camillo Di Pietrantonio (booth 13 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Daniel Picciotto (booth 16 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Jamie Johnson (booth 6 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Alex Trpcevski (booth 132 in Artists Alley)
Matt Kyme (booth 10 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Julie Ditrich (booth 12 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Christopher Sequeira (booth 11 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Dean Rankine (booth 4 in Comic Supa-Stars)
Kieran Jack (booth 55 in Artists Alley)
Expect the artists to have new prints and some will have original art to purchase.
Phan Catch Ups
There will be two generic phan catch ups over the weekend open for ALL phans.
Friday night catch up at the Mecure Hotel pub in the Sydney CBD from 7pm-ish.
Saturday lunch at a restaurant near the convention. We will be meeting at Matt Kyme's booth at 1pm and then heading to the restaurant after.
The LFMBEC Dinner is an all time phan phavourite. This is the highlight for many a phan of the weekend. The dinner draws phans from around the four corner of Australia and the world including Europe, USA, New Zealand and Japan.
This event is NOT open for all. It is by invite only. The guest speaker for the evening is Daniel Picciotto. To learn more about the event we recommend visiting their website
Are you attending the event? Make sure you come and say hi if you are!
if you would like to contact us, you can via email us at or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
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