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Boss Fight Studio Releases Wave 2.0 Phantom Figurines: Now Available for Pre Order

Writer's picture: Jermayn ParkerJermayn Parker

Normally December is when your buying presents for Christmas but Boss Fight Studio's has opened pre orders for their wave 2.0 of the Phantom figurines. Wave 2.0 features a swashbuckling 11th Phantom and Singh Pirate. No set date for the release but an educated guess would be the first quarter of 2023 ie February - March 2023.

You can pre order this new set of Phantom's via Boss Fight Studio's website:

Or you can buy from your normal Action Figure shops. If your wanting to know which local shops stock Boss Fight Studio, click here for our extensive list of world wide retailers.

The figurines are US 27.99 each ($45Au, 27EU, 300 sek/nok and 2300 INR) plus postage from Boss Fight Studio website and prices will be similar at other retailer shops.

Here is a preview of the figurines for wave 2.0:

The 11th Phantom comes with a flint gun, cutlass, a webbing belt which allows the cutlass to be carried on the hip and different boots to the 21st Phantom.

The Singh Pirate however is the real hero of this wave 2.0 (ironic I know). Above you will see two versions of the pirate and the Singh Pirate figurine set comes with extras which allows you to dress and customise the pirate as you see fit. For those who are posing and using their figurines, it encourages you to buy two pirates so you can have the Phantom fighting two different looking pirates.

The customisation is the big selling point with Boss Fight Studio figurines. Did you know they also sell 4" skeleton's? Surely he is needed to be included to fight the 11th Phantom along with the two pirates.

For Those Who have Come In Late, we have reviewed all three releases so far including a X-Band: The Phantom Podcast with Erik Arana the mind behind Boss Fight Studio and these Phantom figurines.


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