One of the most anticipated X-Band podcasts we have been apart of as we interview Erik Arana who is Partner / Creative Art Director at Boss Fight Studios.
In July 2019 BFS announced they had a license for The Phantom and in February 2020, at the New York toy fair they showed off the first samples of their Phantom line.
What followed was a chat and demonstration with us of what has so many phans excited with this announcement. Erik explains the H.A.C.K.S line, what a wave is, drops many a hint on what may come in wave 2, 3 and further down the track along what will be in wave 1.
We also ask the important questions like when they be available for pre order, the likely release date, the price range and how phans from around the world can get their figurines.
We recommend after you have listened to the podcast you watch the Youtube video as Erik shows us in detail the Phantom prototype plus the the 30 points of articulation and how you can customise your own Phantom.
A huge thanks to Erik for his time and we hope you will be as excited about Boss Fight Studio like us after listening and watching.
Happy Phantoming