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Phan Favourite FREW of 2020?

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

There's no doubt that across the globe, 2020 delivered many of us the ultimate Skull Mark. However, the same cannot be said for Frew Publications as they continued to pump out high quality and increasingly original stories and covers.

As the year thankfully comes to a close, the Frew Crew and the Chronicle Chamber team are keen to know what you thought of this year's Phantom releases. What were your FREW Favourite's of 2020?

Once again working in partnership, Frew Publications and ChronicleChamber have created this survey for you to contribute your ideas and opinions. All you have to do is select:

  1. your favourite Frew covers

  2. your favourite Frew stories

  3. your favourite Frew issues

and you will be in the running to win one of two Frew Crew badges, or one of three sets of Chronicle Chamber merch, including a sticker, pin and keyring!

Final results and the randomly drawn prize winners will be announced and published in a Frew Phantom comic, on the "Best of 2020" episode of X-Band-The Phantom Podcast, and here on

The best news is there will be FIVE chances to win a prize. They are drawn randomly, so you must enter your name, postal and email address so we can send you your prize.

Voting closes January 11th 2020, so get in now and Happy Voting!


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