Many phans and creators were shocked when we revealed yesterday that Frew Publications had blocked the sale of Hermes Press’ new Phantom mini-series in Australia. However, the folks at Phantom’s Vault have come to the rescue, making the series exclusively available through their store to Australian phans. An official press release has been released by Rene White of Phantom’s Vault, which you can read below.
Due to licensing restrictions, the new Hermes Press 6-issue Phantom comic series will not be distributed into Australia and New Zealand by Diamond Comic Distributors. Hermes have a licence for North America only. Diamond erroneously listed the comic as being available to order throughout the world and have now been instructed to cancel all foreign orders. The Phantom’s Vault has organised, with a North American comic shop chain, to import a sizeable quantity of the entire series. We have also been able to successfully negotiate an exciting range of variant covers, commissioned by the US chain. These will be exclusive to the Phantom’s Vault. Hermes Press have retained a small number of these variants to sell, as a pack, at the San Diego Comic Con next July. This will be the only other occasion when and where these will be available. We will also be wholesaling to comic shops…no-one will miss out! Check out the range and our prices here. We’ll also be listing all participating stores and offering previews, posters and other promotional material, as it is made available to us. The first issue, including all variants, goes to print this Friday (Oct 3) and we anticipate arrival into our warehouse 10 days later!
You can pre-order the first issue, as well as many of the variant covers, from the Phantom’s Vault store.