While listening to the X-Band: The Phantom Podcast, have you ever started talking back and agreeing or disagreeing? Have you ever wanted the world to hear your input on the Phantom? Well now is your chance.
On Sunday 12th March the Chronicle Chamber team will be having an open mic for phans to join us on a Phantom discussion.
This podcast participation is however only open to 20 phans plus the Chronicle Chamber team. If you would like to join, please email us at chroniclechamber@gmail.com. First in, first served!
We are aware the time wont suit everyone but with a large phan community on 5 continents, dozens of countries it is hard to try and find a time that suits all. Fear not, we will be planning on doing more during 2023. If you would like to figure out your timezone that is not attached below, visit here.

The open mic session will be recorded and then released as our next X-Band: The Phantom Podcast.
Please note, that our patreons are first invited and as patreons who support the running of the website and everything we do, they do get first dibs on participation podcasts plus much more. If you would like to know how to become a patreon, please visit here.