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X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #173 - With Thom Schillinger (Phantom 2040 Art Director)

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

Phantom 2040 is a French / American animated TV series that aired from September 18, 1994 to March 3, 1996 with 35 episodes. The series was generally well accepted by Phantom phans and others. From the series, we got a video game, comic books and some merchandise.

Chronicle Chamber has some articles on our website for the video game,

Today we chat with Thom Schillinger who was the art director for the TV Series. If you enjoyed the TV show, you will love this podcast interview as he talks to us about all aspects from development of the show.

During the two hours we learn things no one knew before including there was a prototype for a fully articulated figurine that nearly got into development, plus there were more than 35 episodes scheduled.

If you are a YouTube viewer, you will love watching as Thom shows us original sketches from the show and an unused movie poster.

If you would like to follow Thom Schillinger on social media you can by the following links:

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