It is great to see The Phantom back in the art world and in May and June we will see two new exhibitions one in Melbourne and the other in Sydney.
The first is at the James Makin Gallery and featuring art by Franck Gohier titled News From The Far North between the dates May 7, 2021 — May 23, 2021.
Below are a collection of the Phantom paintings. If you want to enquire about the prices, go to the James Makin Gallery website.
Details of the gallery are:
67 Cambridge Street, Collingwood,
Victoria, 3066, AUSTRALIA
Opening hours
Thursday – Sunday 12 AM – 5 PM
T: +61 (0)439 770 362
The second exhibition will coincide with the 2021 LFMBEC guest speaker Chris Boylan, who will be talking about the Phantom Shields of the New Guinea Highlands. By coincidence, the Michael Reid Gallery at Surry Hills will be holding a Phantom shields exhibition from 10 June - 24 June.
There are no details online yet but their website can be found here. Details of the art gallery are:
Standard House
105 Kippax Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
(enter from Waterloo Street)
Opening hours:
Wednesday to Friday from 11am – 5pm, Saturdays from 11am – 3pm
or by appointment outside these hours
+61 2 8353 3500
If you go to any of these events, please let us know.