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Review of Zauberstern Phantom #10

Christian Moller reviews the latest issue from Zauberstern #10 which features the following stories which was first published by DC comics back in 1988:

  • "Der Wandelnde Geist" ("The Ghost Who Walks") by Peter David, Joe Orlando, and Dennis Janke

  • "Schatten der Vergangenheit" ("Across the Great Divide") by Peter David, Joe Orlando, and Dennis Janke

  • "Zeit der Vergeltung" ("In Over Their Heads") by Peter David, Joe Orlando, and Dennis Janke

  • "Das Phantom schlägt zurück!" ("The Phantom Strikes Back") by Peter David, Joe Orlando, and Dennis Janke

This comic is of great value with 100 page of comics in full colour on great quality paper for under 10€. Would you like to see Zauberstern go back to creating their own new covers?

This series has been widely accepted as a huge success by many phans. Did you like it? Would you like to see Zauberstern publish other DC and Marvel stories from the late 1980's and early 1990's?

Issue #11 will be out in February 2024.

All Zauberstern and other German comic reviews will be included in our monthly X-Band: The Phantom Podcasts. You can find out more at our website and or subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos.

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