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Nat Karmichael talks Australian comics history and The Phantom on national radio

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

27 October 2024 while many Australians slept, Australian comics historian Nat Karmichael spent a good 30+ minutes talking comics to radio presenter Michael Pavlich. While majority of the focus was on Australian own created comics, strips and cartoons, the Phantom got a few mentions.

You can listen to the whole conversation via this link on the ABC website and or their podcast.

At this stage the recording is in the whole 3+ hour radio program. If you only want to listen to the Phantom and or comic part, we suggest starting at the 2 hour, 15 minute mark and the comic chat ends at the 2 hour, 55 minute mark.

While the Phantom gets a mention scattered throughout the whole episode as listeners talk about their memories. Nat talks about Frew and the creators involved with the Phantom from an Australian perspective at the 2 hour, 35 minute mark and the Giant Size comic at the 2 hour, 51 minute mark.

While you may not learn something new, it is great to see the Phantom and comics generally get some good airtime in today's society that would rather focus on the negative and or the latest movie or pop singer.

If you ever notice any Phantom related news that we have missed from a radio chat like this, publisher news or anything else, please contact us at Thanks goes to Jeremy Macpherson and Nat Karmichael for their help informing us about this.


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