Fabio Alves (or Fabio Walker as he goes by) is the latest sequential artist from the Frew stable. We first saw his work in Frew 1976 as he took over from Daniel Piccitto for the ongoing "Operation Domino" series written by Duncan Munro.
The series features the Phantom interwoven in the second world war with real life SOE agents who are fighting undercover against the Axis. You can listen and or watch our review of the first two parts in our July 2024 Comics and News podcast from the 32 minute mark.
With the series continuing in Frew 1979, we present an introduction interview with the sequential artist, Fabio Alves.

Chronicle Chamber: Welcome to the team and to start off, Can you tell us a bit about yourself? What country and region are you from?
Fabio Alves: I'm an illustrator, who lives in the northeast region of Brazil, in the city of Solânea, state of ParaÃba.
CC: How did you become an artist? Where did you study art?

FA: I was a very young child, my aunt had a fiancé, who taught me how to draw a cube. From then on, what I learned was empirically and I continue to learn.
CC: Is there anyone who has inspired you and influenced your work?
FA: My biggest influences are the art of Mike Mignola, from the 1990s and Sy Barry. I really admire other artists like John Paul Leon! However, I don’t have a specific reference in my art. Probably everything I like added to my own style.
CC: Did you know of the Phantom before you started work on those stories? Did you ever read the stories prior?
FA: Of course, the Phantom is my favorite character.
CC: What do you think of the stories created by Duncan Munro?
FA: I really enjoy working with him, because in addition to really liking what he writes, he also gives me freedom within his script. So, I'm quite happy with that.
CC: Did you have any stories you want to share with us about working with Glenn Ford and or Duncan Munro?
FA: I believe we are fans of The Phantom! So this important detail makes the work special.
CC: Do you work traditionally using pencils, inks on paper or do you prefer working on the computer?
FA: I work through traditional means, but I prefer digital, as it is more practical and offers more possibilities.

CC: Could you go over your process for us? Do you get the script in English?
FA: I receive the script, I translate it. I ask for references, do research and carry out the work.
CC: What is your favourite moment with the series of short stories you have drawn with Duncan Munro?
FA: Chapter 5, in which The Phantom meets Winston Churchill.
CC: Do you have any other Phantom Frew work in the pipe line after this series?
FA: Yes, we are already in production with a story that I like even more than the previous one.
CC: Do you accept commissions and how can they contact you?
FA: Yes I do! Just get in touch by email at phabio.pio1@gmail.com
CC: Do you have a place where phans can see your work?
FA: I'm thinking about a website. However, at the moment, through my Instagram you can see some clippings of my work: @phabio.alves
CC: Thank you for your time and we look forward to reading your stories in our Frew issues.
