Alex Wynnter and Dale Maccanti join Dan who is flying solo to give us an in depth look at the current kickstarter campaign and if you are not yet pledged, why not? If you are interested go to https://tinyurl.com/ThePhantomBoardGame To find out more go to our past detailed review of the Kickstarter which you can find here. If you want to watch the game in action. The team off Chronicle Chamber played an early prototype version at the Sydney Supanova in 2018 which you can watch here.
Campaign topics we touch upon are:
EU friendly postage
How often they check the kickstarter
The progress of the kickstarter
TPB of the Red Dragon saga
Special Features of the game in the TPB
The evolution of the game
Mechanics and game style of the game
The rules of the game
The Kid Phantom solo story line to the game (stretch goal)
The unnamed villain for the Kid Phantom solo game play
Stretch goals
The game pieces miniatures and the processes including who posed for Guran
Alex's and Dale's favourite parts of the game
The initial 'game off' between the Chronicle Chamber crew. For the record Jermayn won.
The Treasure of Drakon now on BGG (Board Game Geek)
Check out Jamie Johnson's art he shares on social media
How you can promote the Kickstarter campaign yourself
Hashtag #PhantomBoardGame and #BGG
Have you pledged? If you have not, tell us why.