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X Band: Episode #86 - December 2017 Comics and VERY BIG News

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

It's a bumper Xmas special from the ChronicleChamber team as we review the latest Frew comics and discuss some of the news to come out of our interview with Glenn Ford.

The VERY BIG NEWS to break in this podcast comes in the form of an absolute first - an interview in a Comics and News podcast!

We're lucky enough to chat with Alex Wynnter, one of the co-designers of the board game Glenn leaked in his interview. He tells us quite a lot about the upcoming game, including some design details, a timeline of production, where to see the prototype, how phans can get involved in launching it etc etc etc.

This is a very exciting must-listen interview! Listen from 14:15 to 1:00:15 to get all the information!! We'll also be putting up a written post in the very near future too.

As for the rest of it, it's the usual banter and phrivolity of the CC team. Yes it's a longer one, but don't forget it's like a Trade Paperback or a Christmas lunch - you don't have to finish to it all in one sitting!

Happy holidays to you all - Merry Phantoming!

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