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The Latest From Hermes Press

Hermes Press have sent out some images of more of their upcoming releases.

Hot on the heels of last week's announcement of the June 30 release date of The Phantom: President Kennedy's Mission #1, we can look ahead at the pencils and inks for the cover of issue #2. Fair to say that once again Sean Joyce is creating a stunning cover. It is an incredibly dynamic image, and should look absolutely amazing once coloured.

Sean Joyce's cover for Phantom #2 from Hermes Press - pencils and inks

Meanwhile, Hermes are also continuing to do what they do so well: printing high quality reproductions of the original Daily and Sunday The Phantom strips.

Their latest offering, The Phantom Dailies Volume 12, will be announced in detail later this week. Containing all Daily stories published from 1953-1955, this volume features the art of Wilson McCoy and will contain many favourite stories. Classics from this era include The Lady From Nowhere, The Mob, The Wrestling Tourney, Aboard the S.S. Gay ... the list goes on.

The Phantom Dailies Vol 12 - 1953-1955

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