ChronicleChamber TeamMar 25, 2020X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #148 - March 2020 Comics & NewsAfter an acknowledgment of the virus, this podcast becomes a refuge where you can focus on the Phantom instead of the worlds crises. This...
Jermayn ParkerMar 6, 2020The Phantom Comics and the New Left: A Socialist SuperheroFor those who came in late, Swedish academic and Phantom phan Robert Aman has had his Phantom thesis turned into a book! His recently...
ChronicleChamber TeamJun 11, 2019X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #120 - June 2019 Comics & News (Plus Bonus Chat with Shane Foley on There might only be three Frew and two Egmont comic books for us to review since our last Comics and News podcast, but it does not mean...
ChronicleChamber TeamMay 31, 2019X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #119 - Interview with Magnus KnuttssonChronicle Chamber goes back to the 1960's and 1970's with an interesting discussion with Team Fantomen writer Magnus Knuttsson. He may be...
ChronicleChamber TeamOct 11, 2018X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #101 - Politics and The PhantomThere are times, it is said, when The Phantom should stay out of politics. Our guest in Episode 101 would vehemently disagree! Robert...