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X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #168 - Grange Wallis & His 'Ibis Mystery' Covers

Creator Grange Wallis is the artist behind the Frew Publications covers of the current "Ibis Mystery" saga (issues #1873 to #1876).

In typical fashion, what started out as a recording for the next X-Band: The Phantom Podcast comics and news episode quickly became a detailed chat with Grange as he talked about his latest four covers. We have decided to release our chat with Grange as a stand alone podcast and our next, will be the latest comics and news in the Phantom world.

This podcast is a brilliant insight into how Grange works and thinks as a phan but also a creator.

Grange showed us the initial sketches of the four covers including what the covers almost looked like. He gave us a tiny sneak into the missing part five, we really did try and get more out of him, but he would not tell.

He also talked about how cover #1873 and #1874 was based on a nod to the original covers by phan phavourite Antonio Lemos.

You can follow Grange Wallis at either:


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