Since 1978, Fantomen has had a fan poll where you get to vote for which story you think is the best they have published for the past year. 46 years later, that tradition is still happening with voting now open for the best story for Fantomen 2024.
How to vote?
Click here to go to If you use Google Chrome you can right click and choose 'Translate To English' (or your own language) and follow the prompts.
For the first time, the voting is a bit more involved with the ability to vote for your top three stories and your least favourite story. I feel this will give the editorial team greater information to help them determine what fans like and do not like.
The last date to vote is 1st of April and the result will be published in Fantomen 10-11/2025.
As an extra thank you and incentive to vote, Team Fantomen are raffling away 10x quarterly subscriptions. From past experiences they do post prizes to overseas phans including Australia.
2024 gave us 36x stories to chose from, including:
10x new previously unpublished Team Fantomen stories (Including the two part story by Pidde Andersson and Alex Saviuk as two stories and the Phantom Kids short story)
5x new previously unpublished newspaper stories
7x new previously unpublished Frew , Bastei, Lightning Strike and Tay Yayinlari stories
12x previously published Team Fantomen stories
2x previously published newspaper stories
As with all fan driven surveys, this is important as it gives Team Fantomen and Egmont's editorial staff information about what type of stories us fans want to read in future issues. With majority of the Team Fantomen stories included in a Frew comic, It also helps give the Frew editors an idea on what stories to publish.
In 2025, Zauberstern (Germany) and E-voke (Denmark) will also be publishing regular and or semi regular magazines featuring Team Fantomen stories.
As soon as we hear word about Fantomen's annual Best Cover survey being open and the results, we will let you know!