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Phantom at Sweden Comic Con (Nov 1-3 Nov 2024)

Writer's picture: ChronicleChamber TeamChronicleChamber Team

The Swedish Comic Con will be held November 1-3 in Stockholm and will feature Kasia Nie as one of the guests who will be in attendance. At the time of writing she has drawn one Phantom cover and one story for Egmont for Fantomen 12/2024.

Fantomen artist Karl Johnsson will be present at a booth for a publisher and Andreas Eriksson will also have a booth. Karl Johnsson has drawn several World of the Phantom stories and Andreas Eriksson has written stories for Team Fantomen, Frew and Lightning Strike. His booth will be for his self publishing company Retrobokklubben which includes hardcover books with Marvel, Transformers, Ninja Turtles and many other comics

We can confirm that Kasia Nie has opened up a commission list for interested parties. She will also have original art from her story "Stray Dogs" from Fantomen 12/2024 for sale. You can contact her via her Instagram profile to organise your commission. In exciting news, released here first, Kasia Nie, will be back creating a new Fantomen story for 2025. More on this and other 2025 Fantomen news will be released in our X-Band: The Phantom Podcast Episode #293 due to come out soon.

Kasia Nie will also be a guest on a comic panel on 2 November 2024 at 3pm talking about their favourite heroes. Will the Phantom get a mention?


We love to promote Phantom creators who attend comic conventions from around the world. If you know of an event featuring an artist, writer, film star or someone else related to our hero, please let us know. We would love to be able to report on events in your area and country.

Thanks goes to Kasia Nie and Andreas Eriksson who have let us know about this event.


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