Back in April we announced that the 2024 hardcover collection book was for the Kate Sommerset series by David Bishop and Cesar Spadari and now we can show the cover created by phan phavourite Henrik Sahlström.

The 2024 Fantomen Hardcover Collection will be released in August 2024 and can be pre ordered at the Adlibiris website here. The price is 663kr ($100AU, $60US, €60 & 5,000INR).
This book will be limited to 1,000 copies and featuring 430+ pages in colour with a dust jacket.
The book will be about Lady Kate Sommerset who featured in Phantom stories with the 16th, 17th, 18th Phantom's and Julie, the twin sister of the 17th Phantom.
According to sources along with the 12 stories featuring Lady Kate Sommerset we will also get the three part "Son of the Pirate Queen" saga featuring the 18th Phantom fighting alongside his half brother, Chris Sommerset against a rogue Kali sect.
We understand the book will also collect editorial articles on the successful creative team of David Bishop and Cesar Spadari the two creators behind the very popular series.
We have reviewed the past two Chronicle hardcover collections:
Thanks to Egmont for allowing us to show you the cover, we think Henrik Sahlström has done a great job.
We would recommend listening to our podcast with David Bishop in X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #117 and reading our eulogy on Cesar Spadari which was written on behalf of his step son. Both reference this series which won several awards voted by the phans.
Thank you to Egmont for the heads up on this cover. If you find any other Phantom related news we may have missed, please contact us at or our social media platforms.