Moonstone has a very important part to play in Phantom history with the small publisher printing the most Phantom books from USA. One of the men responsible for this rich history with our hero is Mike Bullock. He wrote 50 Phantom stories through out this time and as you will discover listening to the podcast, he had many more Phantom stories already penned and ready until they lost the license.
We talk to Mike about that ill fated take over from Dynamite Entertainment and the conversation he had with senior editor Joe Gentile when they received the news.
Other discussions we had was about the amazing artists he worked with, the bad guys he introduced and how they were all pitted against the Phantom. The story behind the "Invisible Children" saga and much much more.
There is no video for this podcast but do not let that stop you listening to one of the most insightful podcasts you will listen to for a long time.