It's an odd sort of podcast this time around!
About 3 weeks ago we recorded a conversation with Dr Paul Mason and Andrew Constant, the creative duo behind Frew Publications' made-for-kids magazine, Kid Phantom. It was an extensive chat, covering the highs, lows and minutiae of producing Australia's only 100% locally-developed comic book while managing the challenges of licensing and reaching the target market.
Then, just a few days before our planned release came the bombshell from Frew: Kid Phantom as a standalone comic release has been cancelled!
So the ChronicleChamber team got together to record a short introduction to the interview, placing it in the context of a book that has just been withdrawn from publication. Fair to say that emotions were high with the news so raw!
Anyway, we hope you enjoy what has turned out to be a retrospective look at Kid Phantom and as always, Happy Phantoming.