With the Melbourne International Comedy Festival wrapping up last week, Australian comedian Sammy J is now halfway through the cities listed on the national tour of Hero Complex.
Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne down -- Sydney, Perth and Canberra to go!
The multi-award winning show (Best Comedy - Melbourne Fringe Festival, Wk 1 Best Comedy - Adelaide Fringe Festival, MICF Barry Award nominee) is a thoroughly entertaining tale of an extraordinary series of coincidences that all seem to hinge around a love of The Phantom. With rave reviews from anyone who's seen it, this really is one of the best stage acts being performed in Australia this year - whether you're a Phantom phan or not.
Halfway through the tour, it seems an appropriate time to catch up with Sammy and see how it's all going...

"The highlight of my Melbourne Comedy Festival was undoubtedly having a Phantom look-a-like outside the Town Hall every night handing out flyers, and then selling show bags after the show. I think he really did have the strength of ten tigers to cope with some of those shifts, particularly on the cold nights.
The showbags were the surprise hit of the festival, selling much more than we expected, and it’s nice to know hundreds of people now have a Phantom comic in their house as a result (courtesy of the very generous Trevor Clark!)
We even added an extra show on the final weekend which was great, as it allowed a lot of other comics to come and see the show (since our normal shows usually clash in the evenings). I think most of them were shocked that I’d managed to keep my love of The Phantom to myself for so long.

Doing Phantom Trivia every night was a real buzz, but I’d always have to keep an eye on the crowd as usually there’d be a few phans in the first few rows who knew all the answers! But since the segment is designed to educate all the non-believers, I had to find ways of shutting them up quickly.
Anyone who has seen the show will appreciate why Canberra is a very phitting place to end the tour, so we’re planning a big one on May 27th!
After that, excited to say there are already a few extra dates popping up for the show around Australia in places it hasn’t yet been to. I’m hopeful the show will have a long life span after the festival circuit so if it hasn’t made it to your city yet, don’t despair! 'The Phantom follows the crowds' - Old Jungle Saying"
May is shaping up as a huge month, so phans in Sydney, Perth and Canberra: if you haven't purchased your tickets yet make sure you hit the link in the Tour Poster at the bottom of the page! This is a show that Phantom phans must not miss!

Giant Dwarf
7pm Fri May 12 - Sat May 13
State Theatre WA
9:30pm Thu May 18 - Sun May 21 (8:30pm Sun)
Canberra Theatre Centre
7 30pm Sat May 27