As you know or should know Kid Phantom is out today and this will hopefully bring in a new era for The Phantom and the next generation of phans.

Where do you come into it?
The ChronicleChamber team would love to hear what YOU think! We'd love you to record your views on the following questions, plus anything else you want to add, and we will compile all recordings together for a special podcast.
The questions are:
1) your name, age and how long have you been reading the Phantom for?
2) first initial thoughts on it (pre-reading)!
3) thoughts after your first read of the story?
4) did you enjoy it?
5) will you continue to buy and read the series?
6) do you like the stickers/ extras?
7) what freebies/ extras would you like to see next?
8 ) do you have kids or know of kids you will promote this to?
9) anything else you want to add?
Once you have recorded on your phone or computer simply email it to us at and we will compile them all together for a podcast. If you would prefer us to interview you these questions and handle all the technical issues like we do for our guests, let us know as we can do that. How cool would it be to listen to your views instead of just ours? I know I'm looking forward to it.