Towards the end of Episode 45 of the X-Band podcast, ChronicleChamber's own Dan Fraser made something of a goose of himself when he challenged Sammy J's assertion that he was the biggest adolescent Phantom Phan in the mid-90s.
It quickly led to the question: Who was the Leading Adolescent Phantom Phan in the mid-1990s?
Harmless banter quickly became serious as two grown men desperately tried to out-nerd each other in a curious bid for some sort of questionable glory.
If you've heard the podcast, then you know how it started and you know the result of the challenge, as judged by senior authority figure Duncan Munro. In all likelihood you are still scratching your head to understand how such a judgement could have come about.
However, you have not seen the evidence for yourself. ChronicleChamber is happy to announce that the Open Period has now been reached, and all evidence can be released to the public.
Read the trial notes below and view the evidence for yourself. Would you have come to the same verdict? Leave your judgement in the Comments at the bottom of the page.

(Editor's note: the above image has been altered to protect the innocent)

(NB: For those who have trouble reading legal mumbo-jumbo, press play below to have the Esteemed Duncan Munro read it to you)

So, did the Council of Chiefs get it right? Should the verdict be overturned on appeal in the light of new evidence? Has this whole thing been slightly ridiculous?
Let us know in the comments below!