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Claes Reimerthi Funeral (with obituary by Ulf Granberg)

Writer's picture: Jermayn ParkerJermayn Parker

A huge thanks to Ulf Granberg, Pidde Andersson and Andreas Eriksson. Everyone was shocked at his sad passing. You can listen to our podcast reflection on his legacy at X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #194 and tribute here which was re published by Frew in issue 1899.

The funeral was held on the 20th of August in southern Sweden, a town called Ystad in an old gothic Lutheran church. The existing building is from the middle of the 17th century but the foundations date back to the 13th century.

Ulf was one of the guests who spoke about his 40+ year friendship and his hard work on the Fantomen books, the inspiration and dreams he brought to the work. You can read the full obituary at the bottom of this article.

The good mark wreath sent by Ulf Granberg, Hans Lindahl and Lennart Moberg was a highlight for many. Ulf’s instructions to the florist were to make the wreath entirely out of yellow. The two slightly different shades of yellow show the good mark in relief. I am sure every phan will echo "well done!".

The words on the ribbon thanked Claes for his hard work on the Fantomen books, the inspiration and memories.

Below is a gallery of multiple photos of the wreath and the funeral. Click the arrow to see them.

Ulf Granberg's Obituary

We got to know each other at the end of the 70’s, Claes, when you submitted a comic series for the comic book Svenska Serier – and we became good friends when you wanted to try your hand at writing scripts for the Phantom series a few years later.

I felt you had an unusual talent for writing, and enthusiasm over this medium and I decided to guide you on to a career as comics writer.

I had hopes and expectations which you soon fulfilled and after a year even surpassed. Already from the start you were very productive and kept deadlines – and this would become two of your marks of Nobility, Claes.

We had close and frequent contacts over the phone and discussed your ideas and story suggestions for the Phantom.

We soon discovered that we also had in common a great interest in history, and this interest gave birth to a big number of exciting and interesting adventures with the Phantom.

In the early 90’s the production of stories for the comic book needed more structure and a long term planning. To meet this need 'The Phantom Seminars' were started and held one or two times a year, where the Editorial department together with artists and scriptwriters met for a couple of days at different conference centers around Stockholm for brain storming and exchanging ideas.

Soon you became a key member, thanks to your knowledge, your discipline and your precise working methods.

We did almost 30 seminars during 15 years and several hundred adventures were born during these meetings. Many of them are today among fans considered to be classic stories. Without your devoted work and your deep knowledge of Phantom lore, this achievement hadn’t been possible, Claes.

Apart from writing stories for the Phantom you have also written many episodes for the 91:an comic book and over the years written many articles on comics and the comics medium, greatly appreciated among a vast number of comics fans.

You have also been a lead author on the books on Swedish Comics History – and should have been so, also on the fifth book in this series, which we together should have started working on this autumn.

Others will now have to take over your work, Claes, but the book will be done in your spirit.

I’m proud that I at one time led you on to the path of comics and comic books – and it is with deep mourning and grievance I now have to say goodbye.

Rest in peace, Claes.

Ulf Granberg


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