Renowned Australian comedian Sammy J has announced upcoming tour dates for his Phantom-themed show Hero Complex.

Sammy J debuted the show at the 2016 Melbourne Fringe Festival, where it won Best Comedy. Since then he has taken the show to Perth, then rested it briefly while he tours with regular partner Randy.
However, 2017 will see the return of Hero Complex!
Two cities have been announced at this time, with the show going to Adelaide in February as part of the 2017 Adelaide Fringe.
Ticket sales will be interesting: South Australian crowds are notoriously slow to buy tickets to comedy shows, but by the same token Adelaide is arguably the city where the Phantom is the most popular. The show plays at the The Garden of Unearthly Delights in Rundle Park from February 17th - March 3rd 2017. Book your tickets here.
Brisbane is the second city announced, with a much shorter run from March 23rd - March 26th 2017 where it shows as part of the Brisbane Comedy Festival.

The venue is a very exciting one, with Sammy J performing in the Brisbane Room of City Hall. For those who came in late, this is one of the locations used in the 1996 Phantom film and is something of a sacred place for phans. It will be interesting to see what use Sammy J makes of the location. Book tickets here for the Brisbane show.
To get a (spoiler-free) idea of what you will be seeing, here is ChronicleChamber's review of the show as seen by Steve at the Melbourne Fringe.
If you haven't yet listened to Sammy J chatting on the X-Band podcast, do yourself a favour and download Episode 46 ASAP.
And on top of that, Sammy J and Randy in Ricketts Lane has just been re-released on ABC iview. With countless little Phantom easter eggs sprinkled through the 6 episodes, not only is it a hilarious Australian comedy, it's a must for Phantom fans. Here is the link - you have until February 6 to watch it!
We strongly encourage all phans to get out and see Sammy's show. And take some non-Phantom friends as well. Not only will they enjoy it anyway, but they might also understand your passion just that little bit better too!