Mikael Lyck is joined by regulars Dan Fraser and Jermayn Parker in reviewing the latest comics and news from Australia, Sweden and around the world.
With the team at Chronicle Chamber releasing other topical podcasts it meant the normal practice of a comics and news podcast once a month did not happen. Here we present a review of the comics from May and June.
Episode #192B will contain all the news from the past two months.
We also discuss the latest happenings with the Sunday and Daily newspaper stories discussing "The Visitor" (1 Hour 20 Minutes), "Hello to the Himalayas" (1 Hour 25 Minutes 30 Seconds) & "To Wrack and Ruin at Gravelines" 1 Hour 34 Minutes).
Please make sure you share, like and leave a comment on our social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram as well as our YouTube Channel.
If you only want to listen to specific reviews of the comics and or stories, we have included a timeline for you to follow. Enjoy!
Frew Publications
Frew 1892 (4 Minutes 30 Seconds)
"Diana and the Heartbreaker Gang" by Matt Kyme and Shane Foley
Frew 1893 (11 Minutes 30 Seconds)
"Triumph of Evil" by Joe Gill and Don Newton
"Forever" by Andrew Constant and Massimo Gamberi
Frew 1894 (34 Minutes)
"The Rhodian Column" by Tony DePaul and Mike Manley
Frew 1895 (47 Minutes 30 Seconds)
"The Drummer of Timpenni" by Lee Falk and Sy Barry
"Revenge of the Drummer" by Norman Worker and Knut Westad
"Revolt in the Jungle" by José Menezes, Walmir Amaral, and Wanderley Mayhé
"Legacy of the Drummer" by Andrew Constant and Angelo Todaro
Giant Size 17 (1 Hour 9 Minutes)
"The Game" by Lee Falk, Bill Harris, and Bill Lignante
Daily / Sunday Stories
Sunday: "The Visitor" (1 Hour 20 Minutes)
Daily: "Hello to the Himalayas" (1 Hour 25 Minutes 30 Seconds)
Daily: "To Wrack and Ruin at Gravelines" 1 Hour 34 Minutes)
(1 Hour 42 Minutes)
Fantomen 10-11/2021
"Kolonnen från Rhodia" ("The Rhodian Column") by Tony de Paul and Mike Manley
"Oavslutade affärer" ("Unfinished Business") by Tony de Paul and Mike Manley
"Den galna elefanten" ("The Rogue Elephant") by Lee Falk and Sy Barry
Fantomen 12/2021
"Requiem" ("Requiem") by Pidde Andersson and Wendell Cavalcanti
"Diamantmysteriet" ("The Diamond Mystery") by Lee Falk and Özcan Eralp
Fantomen 13/2021
"Legenden om Djungelpatrullen" ("The Founding of the Jungle Patrol") by Lee Falk and Sy Barry
"Elefantkyrkogården" ("The Elephant's Graveyard") by Özcan Eralp
Fantomen 14-15/2021
"Det odödliga lejonet" ("The Phantom Lion") Tony DePaul and Paul Ryan
"Förbannelsen" ("The Curse") by Dai Darell and Özcan Eralp
"Diana i Djungelpatrullen" ("Diana in the Jungle Patrol") by Magnus Knutsson and Jaime Vallvé
If you have ever wanted to do your own Chronicle Chamber reviews we are looking for any French / Canadian fans who have a copy and can review the latest Editions Dante TPB as well as anyone who can review the PNG Shields and Mallon Diary. We are also still on the look out for a Brazilian fan who can review all the new Mythos Phantom comics.
Please email us at chroniclechamber@gmail.com if you are interested.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
We would love to hear from you on what you think of this podcast episode and our reviews and opinions. You can email us at chroniclechamebr@gmail.com or chat with us via our social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.