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The Phantom Showbags are back!

Writer's picture: Jermayn ParkerJermayn Parker

Hands up if you ever brought a Phantom showbag back in the day?

In the early 1990's, The Phantom and showbags went together like corn dog at a fair or popcorn at the movies and it was part of the reason why the character became so popular in Australia. Thanks to Frew, they are now back. This is not just a bag full of old reject newsagent comics but full of Phantom goodies with stickers, comics, bookmarks, mask and more.

These showbags are going to be at the Royal Queensland Show now called 'Ekka' thanks to "Preserver Haven". Unsure if every showbag will be the same but here is what at least one will look like.

As you can see there is no new Frew items but this is perfect as it clears old stock from their bulging warehouse and they can use them as promotion and hopefully hook new and old phans again.

We would like to see these made available for all comic conventions and showbag sellers around Australia. The retail price of the pieces sold separately is roughly $35AU and these are being sold for $30AU at the show. A breakdown of the bag is:

  • Regular comic: $4.20

  • Kid Phantom comic: $7.95

  • Kid Phantom mask: $4.00

  • Eden Poster: estimate $10

  • Regal Publishers sticker: $3.00

  • Gallery trading card pack: $4.00

  • Bookmark: $2.00

Will you be attending the show and buying a showbag or ten? We believe they will be sold online eventually as well.

Thanks to super phan Jon Cookson for the news.


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