Between the time pressures brought about by the pandemic and the Bushfire Appeal Phundraiser book, it's been too long since we have updated our Phantom Preservation Project (P3).
However, we're hoping to make up for it now with some absolute bumper and treasured Phantom content added to the P3 library. As you can see from the extensive list below, we have managed to add to our already extensive archive of Phantom media and multimedia from around the world.
New this month:
The Haunted Castle by Felmang (published by Frew in Phantom's World #11) - complete original artwork, uncensored and unedited
The complete Swedish-language audio book Den beslöjade damen (The Veiled Lady)Â
An unedited interview with Peter Kingston, from the recording for X-Band #47
29 newspaper articles spanning 1960 to present day and from all around the world: Australia, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Spain and the USA
Issues #1 and #2 of the Friends of the Phantom newsletters, completing the set!
16 Scandinavian advertisements, from Sweden and Finland
A Nancy comic strip, which featured a Phantom cameo
Behind the scenes of Chronicle Chamber: prelim sketches for our logo; also a raft of material from the Bushfire Appeal Phundraiser book - alternative covers, progress drafts and proofs. A highlight is a lovely four-minute chat with Sy Barry about the book and Australia's bushfire season, from which the grab was taken for this WIN News story.
3 Frew Publications files, including their 1990 Media Kit
The magazine from the 1977 Art Exhibition Ghost Who Walks Can Never Die
The 42-minute video The Phantom: Comic Strip Crusader (1996 A&E Biography)Â
All this joins the remainder of the Major Treasure Room that is the P3 - the full Index is available here. This is starting to become a very serious collection of digitally archived The Phantom material.
The link for access to the full library is available via our Patreon page for US$5 / month supporters.