Ever wanted to decorate your Christmas tree with a Phantom element while wearing an ugly Phantom Christmas sweater while drinking cocoa or eggnog? King Features are half way to your dreams with a Good and Skull Mark decoration and a Holiday Phantom themed shirt.
The Christmas decorations are $20US each ($27AU, 18Euro & 175sek/nok) - click to buy here
The shirt in two colours (white/red and navy/gold) is $24US each ($33AU, 21Euro & 210sek/nok) - click to buy here
As per usual, shipping is to be added on top. Please note, if you live in Australia, only express shipping is available between USA and Australia at the moment.
While there is still no sign of the amazing ugly Christmas sweater that Jeff Weigel designed for his famous Frew cover, this could well be the first step! Will you be