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Announcement: Increase of Budget for New Fantomen Stories for 2021

Back in Fantomen 8/2020, reader Pierre wrote a letter to the editor, Mikael Sol, about the lack of new stories. You can read Mikael's response plus our own thoughts in our article here.

Fast Forward to Fantomen 17/2020, in response to a question by Thomas Askjellerud, Mikael Sol has again been very open to the public by announcing that the budget for new stories for 2021 has been increased.

A rough translation is as follows:

"...As for next year I have just been informed that we are getting an increased budget for 2021 compared to 2020 which means we can increase production of new stories. Fun!"

Mikael then goes on to drop a bombshell that 2021 will see another topical social theme used in a Phantom story. "We have a story which we hope will get a lot of attention that is an important topic that many today take for granted." 2018 we had the story about The Phantom fighting right wing extremists with a rainbow flag and 2019 we had a story themed on depression which won best adventure for 2019 as voted by the readers.

This is fantastic news for the Fantomen magazine but also for Frew readers as the new Team Fantomen stories eventually find their way into the Australian Frew comic. The readers feedback from social media has been obvious that the majority of readers want new stories. The more new stories we get, the happier phans will hopefully be.

If you would like to learn more about Team Fantomen writer and Egmont editor Mikael Sol, we would recommend listening to our X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #116.


Thank you to Andreas Eriksson and Mikael Lyck for the heads up about the news.


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