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Phantom Postcards & Greeting Cards Available Now

Writer's picture: Dan FraserDan Fraser

For many years now, Canadian phan Guy Poissant has made a hobby of colouring vintage black and white Phantom artwork.

Using scans or images posted online by Phantom artists, Guy painstakingly adds colours and texture, and has always done so as a personal joy. Concentrating on the earliest works of Ray Moore and Wilson McCoy, he has grown to become something of an expert in the field. The pictures he posts on social media are an intriguing re-imagining of the art, and have sparked many a B&W vs colour debate!

Guy's skills even led to him winning the colouring competition in Frew's 80th Anniversary special, issue #1763, back in 2016.

Now, over the last 6 months or so, Guy has begun to produce very limited print versions of his colouring. These have come in the form of postcards (pictured on this page) as well as Christmas and Anniversary greeting cards - he has even created a modest range of stickers.

These were initially offered personally or through specialist Phantom phan pages on Facebook, notably the PhantomCollector page. Now, he is making them available to the broader Phantom phan community via a specially created Facebook page, the aptly named For Those Who Came In Late.

The postcards and greeting cards are printed on high quality card stock; the pictures on this page really do not do them justice. I am lucky enough to have picked up copies of Series 1 and 2 of the postcards and quite simply, they are stunning in real life. Very professionally created, most with artist and original story information on the rear, Guy really has outdone himself with these beautiful items.

The 'very limited' call is very genuine. Available in numbers of 10, 25, or at most 40 of any particular run, some of the cards are already sold out.

Despite being unlicensed, these are some of the finest Phantom collectibles to be released anywhere around the world over the last twelve months. We cannot recommend them highly enough, and hope that you are lucky enough to pick up a set for yourself. As we say, do yourself a favour and check out the cards on Guy's page, use the link at the top of that page to send him a message, and get these cards shipped to you ASAP!!

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