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New T-shirts on Australian ebay Store

Writer's picture: Dan FraserDan Fraser

A new eBay store has emerged selling Phantom T-shirts.

T Shirts by David has a small range of designs and styles available.

Two of the designs feature Frew's trademark cover banner and classic Sy Barry-esque images, while the third is more reminiscent of the American design and features a Moonstone cover image prominently in a montage.

The shirts are available in purple, light blue or white, and in both male and female cuts. Sizes range from S-3XL.

ChronicleChamber would point out that these do NOT appear to be official products licensed through King Features Syndicate, and for that reason alone some phans may baulk at the prices, which range from $20 to $30 depending on colour and sleeve length.

That said, the site seems to be professionally run with very positive feedback percentages, is published in a polished format, and has links to Woolworths and Big W outlets.

As always, phans can make their own choices as to whether these will be joining their casual wardrobes or their Major Treasure Rooms!

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