Dan FraserOct 20, 2019Fantomet with an Australian flavourIn a huge breakthrough for Australia's Frew Publications, one of their locally commissioned stories has been published by an...
Jermayn ParkerSep 17, 2018Behind the Edited Panels in The Singh BrotherhoodIf you have listened to the X-Band podcast interview with Hermes Press you would have heard me raising a couple of edited panels with Dan...
ChronicleChamber TeamAug 25, 2018X-Band: The Phantom Podcast #99 - Interview with Hermes PressA little while ago we had the opportunity to ask Six Quick Questions of the crew at Hermes Press. Their answers were so effusive we just...
Dan FraserMar 11, 2018Frew to Celebrate 70th Birthday with Very Special TPBWe all know about the beautiful and successful For Those Who Came In Late trade paperback released by Frew late last year, and are...